Progress: My first customer journey map

My first customer journey map can probably be improved a lot by an expert, but what’s important for me as a beginner is that it contains all the crucial elements laid out in a legible way. Despite a lack of mind-blowing insights, this journey map does its main job of portraying the frustrations and joys of a customer’s experience, highlighting features to maintain and areas where possible solutions may be proposed.

Not establishing such a map would be akin to groping in the dark to find something, which in my experience is hard even in a familiar area. Success is not guaranteed but the likelihood is much higher.

More importantly, I was wasting my time hesitating and not committing in order to output something amazing right away. Now that the first one is out of the way, I can do a few more, figuring out what works and what doesn’t, and making small tweaks towards something better each time.

As long as I keep my mind on producing, I won’t have to worry about current quality, as it will only keep improving over time.

Takeways from “Introduction to Typography”

As a graphic designer, I did not expect to learn much from an “Introduction to Typography” course. However, I was reminded about how self-taught practitioners differ from those who received formal education in the field: a wide breadth of knowledge and tools.

I knew about leading/letting, kerning, smart quotes, line length, and many other typographic concepts, but it was interesting to see them being applied to change the feel and legibility of text. I had played with all of these, but using my untrained intution has always led to unpredictable results.

I enjoyed learning about the history of different typefaces too. The explanations underscored truly how fonts differ and why certain ones work so well with specific industries or fields.

Another interesting portion was seeing the use of grids and greeking (lines of varying heights, lengths, and shades to represent text) to analyze how text flows together, especially on a page. The simplication using grids and greeking made the principles stand out. All the examples and their dissection were my favorite part of the course.

Finally, I loved the tip about not using these tools and concepts immediately in order to not constrain creativity. For grids especially, he recommended playing with placement and only overlaying the grid after to clean up the arrangement.

I can’t wait to apply these concepts to my future UX deliverables!


Learning too much at once

When I first started learning about UX again, the amount of topics I wanted to learn overwhelmed me. Fortunately, the booming education technology industry has led to plenty of courses available online and for free. However, that same plethora made my head want to explode. Where would I start? How many could I have going on simultaneously? Should I dedicate time to reading up supplementary materials?

It was basically the breadth versus depth conundrum. Do I learn a lot but little about each, or build one first and slowly add in others? For beginners, both make sense. The former allows us to see the large picture while the latter lets us really get our hands dirty and actually create something of value.

Through my recent brief Coursera course on typography from CalArts, I relearned an old lesson. We should learn deeply about what we need to produce, and add in other skills as needed. In that way, I am truly exercising each skill I’m folding in.

For example, it would be an unwise use of time to focus weeks on typography while neglecting user research. However, now that it’s time to produce customer journey maps, while I put it on the backburner for processing, I can spend some time on typography to help me layout the information on the map easier through visual hierarchy and placement.

It’s a mix of depth and breadth. I will go deep first into one subject first, the one that will help me deliver soon. Then, as soon as I get enough to make a minimum viable product, I can spend a little time looking into other subjects that can enhance this product, before deciding on digging deeper into the first subject or shifting to another.

Refocusing, from negative to positive

On airplanes, people are always advised to help themselves before helping others. However, for people feeling down, one adage proclaims that by helping others first, we help ourselves.

Today, I experienced that, or a smidgen at least, as I haven’t helped others… yet.

Over the last two weeks, I have thrown myself into learning all I can about user experience and related domains. I spent hours finding material and then going through it all, taking notes, comparing notes, and synthesizing the information I discovered. As a result, I would like to say my research, for a beginner, isn’t that shabby. Nonetheless, when it came to producing tangible deliverables– such as personas, scenarios, and customer journey maps– I began to falter.

Visible progress

Suddenly, my mini-projects were condensed into small objects that could be judged. I began to be scared. I would spend hours again rereading and finding new articles to answer all the questions I had when going from theory into practice. What made so much sense earlier now left me with so many questions when having to reproduce it. So when it came to customer journey maps, a newer UX method to express pain points to everyone involved that I had never heard of, I froze. I was scared of failing miserably. I procrastinated… by reading everything and by doing nothing.

So as I mustered up courage today, I decided to distract myself temporarily by going one step ahead into prototyping and wireframing. As a visual designer, I loved this aspect and it’s what originally drew me into user experience and the web. There, in one of the UI courses, I was shown all these means of physical, simple, and quick to create prototypes to test, to simulate, and to build interaction. The key really wasn’t to make something sleek and robust, but merely a testing of ideas. Not any ideas, but ideas to help others.


As I got excited about that, about playing around with diverse solutions to best solve current frustrations and pains, the act of making customer journey maps no longer frightened me so. I know that the ultimate goal is to create stellar user experience, and learning how to make a customer journey map, no matter how mediocre at the outset, is necessary.

As I forgot about me and my possible failure, and realigned myself to think of all the benefits a user could have, I remembered what was important.

As one interviewee on the UX Intern talks about when beginning a project, we should ask ourselves:

How will we tell that we’ve made things better for the people we are designing this for?



The Key Points: The UX Intern

The UX Intern was a podcast series from 2004 that lasted for a year during which a new UX intern was interviewing experts in the field for general advice, hiring tips, and their own journeys. After a year, he decided to wrap up his series and it was poetic as he had moved up as a junior UX designer.

While most UX podcasts talk about current trends, their audience is wider and topics have to appeal to both seasoned veterans and burgeoning neophytes. As a result, digger deeper into certain subjects, like how to get noticed or hired starting out, are rare occurrence. That was not the case with The UX Intern.

Below, you’ll find some highlights and quotes from this excellent series made for aspiring UX designers. Note that I did not attribute quotes to the wondrous designers offering the advice as the episode did not identify each and every person that spoke and I don’t want to attribute credit inequitably. 

Beginner’s doubts

“Remembering it’s ok to not know everything. Even the really great experts know they don’t know everything. And that not knowing everything is a gift. Understanding that is really valuable. Continue reading “The Key Points: The UX Intern”

Shooting out Scenarios

User stories are easy to create. Just think of a type of user– mother or student, and what they might want to accomplish. A mother may want to find coupons for her essentials and students may want to find places with discounts for them. Scenarios however dig a bit deeper. They provide the situation and underlying reasons that bring users to interact with a service.

Why scenarios > user stories

With background and context, it’s easier to think of optimal solutions to accomplish tasks instead of a generic one-size-fits-all approach. The goal is to attract a loyal user base that extols the virtues of our services, and not casual users that will bounce as soon as something more fitting comes along.

How many should I make?

But of course, just like with research and stories, we could have an endless list of scenarios. How do we know when to stop? Using the research.

Through the results from interviews, surveys, and other sources of user information, we are able to pinpoint their non-negotiable demands as well as their frustrations, their pain points and their gains. Using my affinity diagram, I was able to quickly check why existing solutions leave users frustrated and options they would like to see. I quickly drafted many user stories based on the personas’ pains.

Creating scenarios

With this information, I can create scenarios and propose solutions that address their woes. Also, scenarios can be aspirational. They may or may not provide a solution, and I may or may not have capacity to provide such a feature, but they certainly show why certain features should be invested in and developed.

Scenarios also outshine stories through their ability to help find solutions with a lower risk of misdiagnoses. Vague user stories leave designers scratching their heads but overly specific ones prime certain solutions to the detriment of other more optimal ones. But through interviews and contextual inquiries, UX researchers can discover the reason behind these pains and frustrations. This information can then be used to create a scenario to think of solutions to address the underlying issue. I juxtapose what they cannot do, or not well, with the reason they drives them to want to do so.

For example, one interviewee expressed interest in downloadable maps for offline use. She didn’t always have internet and wanted to quickly navigate through town. We could have left it as is: “As a easygoing diner, I want to have maps available offline”. But some probing revealed that what was actually desired was to know where certain amenities could be found, such as grocery stores, transit stations, public restrooms, and maybe bars. In other words, she wanted to be able to explore a town for her usual needs despite intermittent internet access.

Steps to create a scenario

  1. Choose your persona (click here to see the post explaining the personas I created)
  2. Look for pains in your affinity diagram or research findings
  3. Create lots of user stories for the persona based on the pains
  4. Select unusual stories as well as a few common stories
  5. Expand on these stories and provide reasons based on the persona.
  6. Make sure they aren’t generic. These reasons should not easily fit with another persona.
  7. Optional: Provide an open-ended solution (not designing yet) without mention of specific tools or interfaces (keep options open)

Examples galore

As I love examples, here are some more. Below are four scenarios created for Sandra based on her persona’s desires and behaviors.

Shall I go today or tomorrow?

(There are two for comparison purposes)

Sandra loves to look at menus and get a gist of the price and also selection. She doesn’t want to miss out on something because it’s only offered on Mondays and she goes another day. So she goes to pull up the menu. The app brings her to the photo gallery where several photos have been labeled as the menu, with the most recent listed large (and the others underneath with smaller thumbnails). She can swipe between different shots of the menu.

Sandra wants to know if the gas station is still open. She sees that her favorite one is closed, but another more far away is open. She wonders if this station is a rip off though, because of its proximity to the freeway. Sandra decides to check if someone has posted an image and lo and behold, under the prices section, she found a photo of prices posted yesterday. It’s almost 20 cents more per gallon than what she paid last week at her spot, so she decides to wait a day. The next morning, after getting gas at her spot, she takes a photo of the prices and posts it on the application for others.

Where are the useful reviews?

Sandra has learned to be wary about online reviews. So many comments harp on what are inconsequential details for her. Instead, she sees what her nearby trusted friends have tried and are recommending. She notices a review posted by a nearby user whose review she has already liked and clicks again that it’s helpful. This helpful reviewer gets a notification, adds her as a friend, and messages her to say hi and talk about this new place she loved.

I have some time to kill.

Sandra has just finished lunch early and has two hours to kill before her friends arrive. She decides to see what’s nearby, especially as she had received a notification about being near one of her marked spots to try. Pulling up the map, she notices four different places, two places to try, one favorite, and a 5 star rated. Instead of going to her usual hang out, she decides to check out one of the new places. Looking at the photos, she chooses the quirkier one.

Next Step:

– Selecting several scenarios to draft up some customer journey maps 

Note: I personally like to provide solutions, which are italicized.. But I always focus on the background story more and am open to iterating on them to better serve the users.

Did I miss anything about scenarios? I’m still learning so please share your thoughts in the comments below.